The Matrix Decoded

The Matrix Decoded

THE MATRIX DECODED The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy – Morpheus THE MATRIX To: All Those ‘PERSONS’ Still Lodged in the Matrix! Care must be taken when describing and decoding the information for the uninformed that is coming from...
The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz

THE WIZARD OF OZ The’coded’ Movie of How We Became Indentured Slaves We go to the movies for entertainment, maybe to get away from the reality of our world and just for a few moments we escape that reality and enter a ‘Twilight Zone’ if you will, of...
#1 Who Owns Your Soul? – Cestui Que Vie Trusts

#1 Who Owns Your Soul? – Cestui Que Vie Trusts

Stand For Truth · #1 Who Owns Your Soul Who Owns Your Soul The horrendous crime of owning another life came from Pope Boniface in 1302, through the Unam Sanctam trust when he declared that every soul was to be registered property to the Vatican.  If we expand the...
# 2 The Legal Person

# 2 The Legal Person

Stand For Truth · #2 The Legal Person The Legal PERSON When you see your NAME written in all CAPITAL letters, (CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA – Maximum loss of rights) you are looking at the capitalised PERSON/DEAD LEGAL ENTITY created through the Cestui Qui Vie 1666...
# 3 The DEAD baby Scam

# 3 The DEAD baby Scam

Stand For Truth · #3 The Dead Baby Scam The DEAD baby Scam The false probate of estates, the contracting with minors, the false claims of guardianship, the false claims of abandonment, pauperism, claims of “legal” death, and claims of commonwealth interest...