What is in the Masks?
What's in the Masks? “Theragrippers” inspired by a parasitic worm that clamps onto its host’s intestines - John Hopkins UniversityAfter seeing many videos showing an unknown entity crawling around facemasks I decided to buy a microscope and check it out myself. It was...
Optogentics The planned path to complete control of our brains?Efforts are in full swing worldwide to install wireless interfaces in the human brain: so-called communication tools, between brain and computer. One of the fastest emerging methods for this is...
The Matrix Decoded
THE MATRIX DECODED The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy - Morpheus To: All Those 'PERSONS' Still Lodged in the Matrix! Care must be taken when describing and decoding the information for the uninformed that is coming from within the MATRIX by way of...
The Wizard of Oz
THE WIZARD OF OZ The'coded' Movie of How We Became Indentured SlavesWe go to the movies for entertainment, maybe to get away from the reality of our world and just for a few moments we escape that reality and enter a ‘Twilight Zone’ if you will, of adventure, romance,...
#1 Who Owns Your Soul? – Cestui Que Vie Trusts
Who Owns Your SoulThe horrendous crime of owning another life came from Pope Boniface in 1302, through the Unam Sanctam trust when he declared that every soul was to be registered property to the Vatican. If we expand the picture somewhat, what we have in the...
# 2 The Legal Person
The Legal PERSONWhen you see your NAME written in all CAPITAL letters, (CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA - Maximum loss of rights) you are looking at the capitalised PERSON/DEAD LEGAL ENTITY created through the Cestui Qui Vie 1666 ACT (DEAD LOST AT SEA). This was done through...
# 3 The DEAD baby Scam
The DEAD baby ScamThe false probate of estates, the contracting with minors, the false claims of guardianship, the false claims of abandonment, pauperism, claims of "legal" death, and claims of commonwealth interest in the estates of "infant decedents" vastly predates...
# 4 The Chair of the Estates – Probate Court
The Chair Of The Estates - Probate CourtWestminster is a separate principality of the Inner City of London which is itself an independent international city-state and part of the municipal government established by the Holy See. You may recall certain annual...
# 5 Modern Day Slavery – CUSIP Numbers
Modern Day Slave Bonds - CUSIP NumbersWe see our slavery playing out in the present day in the form of slave bonds, also known as CUSIP bonds, they are created with each birth registration and traded through the Bank of New York and the Department of Industry, Trade...
# 6 When Your Government Becomes A Corporation
When A Government Becomes A CorporationThe Governments today are no longer what we call a Representative Government or De-Jure Government, they have incorporated and thus changed jurisdiction completely. Today we suffer an incorporated or De-facto Government that...
#7 The Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulation 2020
The Health Protection Coronavirus Regulation 2020In March of this year (2020) the De-facto (registered corporation) Government, issued the Health Protection (Coronavirus) Regulation 2020. A few paragraphs have been included so you can see how the word PERSON is used....
#8 (W)Bankers
(W)BankersPeople will say the global debt is so huge it can never be paid back. But they forget the opposite side to a debit entry in any bookkeeping system, is a credit entry. The credit side of the global debt is owed to you. Since the bank abolished the gold...
#9 Killing Off The Creditors
Killing Off The CreditorsIn January and February 2020, we saw a lot of business savvy people leave the market. And, in March 2020, we saw our healthcare system shut down, together with small businesses, and small farms across the board. Throwing both the emerging...
#10 The Mother Of All Debt and Death Entrapment
The Mother of All Debt and Death EntrapmentTens of thousands of military contact tracers will be coming to your home, and they will force you to be tested for Coronavirus and if they find you positive they will take people out of their homes, including children, and...
#11 Plandemic
Plandemic“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications, whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to...
#13 Vatican Statement on Aborted Baby Tissue in Vaccines
Vatican Statement Vatican Statement On Aborted Baby Tissue in VaccinesVatican Statement On Using Aborted Foetuses in Vaccines Vaccines currently produced using human cell lines that come from aborted foetuses. To date, there are two human diploid cell lines which were...