a leaderless Organisation
The network of networks
changing the rules
Traditional organisations are usually centralised where power and knowledge are concentrated at the top. The person in charge is assumed to be the most knowledgeable and has the power to make decisions. If you take out the corporate headquarters of a traditional organisation, chances are you’ll kill the company, this is known as a spider organisation. Crowd4Good operates in a more open, decentralised way where power is spread throughout making us more resilient, amorphous and fluid, constantly spreading and growing. This quality is likened to a starfish where, if under attack they quickly mutate, reform and regrow.
Community Membership
A community is far more powerful than a handful of experts. You are the wave of the future. An Initiative That Everyone Is Behind Everyone has something to contribute somewhere.
Partner membership
Work in your own profession, in your own environment, without the worry of authorities. Use modalities, techniques and any special invention you want to you at your own discretion. Be an agent for change.
what is a private membership association?
There is a public domain and a private domain. In the public domain you have to be licenced following regulations and if you don’t there is severe criminal penalties, even prison. But there is an alternative, a private members association. Private Associations deal with members of and not the public. Members are contracted through your Articles of Association which is protected by English Common Law.
There are over 70 supreme court decisions that say you can operate in the private domain which is outside jurisdictions and law enforcement. But the Supreme Court states that if you are doing something in your private association that is a clear and present danger of substantive evil they have the right to investigate and prosecute you.
A private association is a private domain, its own legal entity. Articles of Association regulate the business activities of the association through chapters. Chapters outline the business activities of your practice and form part of the contract from which all members must abide. Membership Enrollment and any purchase after is billed as a Special Assessment Fee (SAF) this is to keep the membership current and PMA coverage in place.
Our Starfish DNA - The Fuel That drives Us
At first glance they may appear to look messy and chaotic. But when we begin to appreciate their full potential, what initially looked like entropy turns out to be one of the most powerful forces the world has seen. Power is in open systems. No titles no one is in charge.
The Crowd4Good executive team have veto power over all decisions but rarely get involved as we prefer to work more on ideologies, this is the fuel that drives us. Take away our ideology chances are our a starfish organisation such as our could crumble for this reason all members are encouraged to maintain the drumbeat of our starfish DNA.
These ideologies provide a step by step guide to how our organisation operates.
We believe that people are basically good. We believe that an honest and open environment can bring out the best in people. Members have a fundamental desire to share and to contribute. Everyone is expected to be frank, open collaboration with team leadership.
To ensure that people can continue to trust each other we have added a crucial element a feedback element where people can leave each other positive, negative, or neural feedback while working with each other on our platform.
Participants form circles where they are encouraged to dream and brainstorm. They may talk about their vision, go from town to town connect activists, protest, canvas anything goes. Circles work together to become a combined network of people giving all circles more flexibility and power.
Knowledge is spread throughout the organisation. Circles often get their inspiration and ideas from successful actions undertaken by other circles so we encourage as many meetups and discussions as possible cooperating with one another. Circles are free to work on anything they want. Each unit is accountable. Anyone can do anything. No one has to report to any head of the company and is responsible only for itself. Circles are encouraged to share feelings, reflect, and discuss anything on their mind.
The organisation is equally distributed across thousands of centres. Once you join as a member you are equal. It is then up to you to contribute to the best of your ability. Everyone automatically becomes part of the leadership. No one is in charge, everyone is responsible for keeping themselves and everyone else on track. Members directly help each other without asking permission or getting approval.
In open organisations, there is no central well of money. Individuals can receive funding from outside sources, they are responsible for acquiring and managing funds.
Each team member is considered an important contributor and given high level of autonomy. Members are constantly encouraged to make suggestions. Everyone feels empowered, their opinions matter. Everyone has something to contribute somewhere.
Members usually have the following traits:
- Genuine interest in people
- Members have a fundamental desire to share and to contribute
- Can meet people where they are
- Emotionally intelligent
- Inspirational to others
- Has a tolerance of ambiguity
- Can bring creative thinking and innovation
- Share a common passion in people and the planet
- Can make connections, build trust, and inspire people to act
- Each member is assumed to be equally knowledgeable and has the power equal to that of any other member
- Members are encouraged to choose a role within circles
- Everyone feels empowered and their opinions matter
private membership association FAQs
- How will I benefit from being part of a PMA Private Membership Association? It allows them freedom of choice in your vocation.
- Can I have employees? Are they covered by my PMA? Yes, you can have employees and they are covered as long as they are performing only services listed in your articles of Association. All employees and contract labour must be members of your PMA and have signed agreements, as well as payments on file.
- Can I offer services or products through your organisation? Yes, as long as they are listed in the Articles of Association.
- Can I work on other modalities and technologies through your organisation? Yes, as long as they are listed in the Articles of Association.
- Why would I buy a Local Chapter? Because a Local Chapter removes your practice from the Public Sector arena and places it into the Private Sector. This allows you to practice with your members as you see fit, without being regulated by Public Entities.
- If I have a legal issue with my Local Chapter, what is my course of action? Contact us.
- Can I make changes to my activities? The Articles of Association may be amended upon unanimous consent of the Trustee(s). The amendments will be submitted to the members for their ratification. If the Association achieves ratification of three-fourths (3/4) of the members that existed at the time the amendment was first submitted, the amendment will become a part of the Articles of Association and be binding upon all members within one year of passing the amendment.
- Is the PMA (Private Membership Association) a corporation? No, it is an UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION under Common Law. It does, however, file a tax return like a corporation. Consult your accountant additional needs or questions.
- What is a Trustee? A Trustee is the person who has control and possession of the PMA. The Trustee is also legally liable for the financial and tax responsibilities of the Association.
- What is a Successor Trustee? The Successor Trustee assumes the position of First Trustee if he or she are unable to perform their duties. Note: If you choose to list more than one successor trustee, remember that they have equal power and must agree on any changes/actions.
- It is necessary to designate a Successor Trustee? No. However, in this instance there would be no one to handle the business if something happened to the Trustee. If you decide against a Successor Trustee, you MUST have at least one Special Honorary Charter Member listed. Remember, you need two people or more to form a PMA.
- Do I still need my professional license? In the USA you need a license to bill Insurance, Medicare, Auto Accidents, Write Prescriptions, etc.
- What if I want to file insurance for some of my clients? You will need two separate and clearly marked spaces—one for the public and one for the PMA members. Any client for whom you are billing insurance would be treated in the public space, and therefore open to public scrutiny; everyone else would need to be a member of your PMA and treated in the space designated as Private.
- Who is considered “The owner” of my PMA? The entity owns itself and therefore has no owner listed.
- Do I need to keep my malpractice insurance? (For Healthcare Professionals) This is based on personal choice. However, if you choose to continue to have any public presence, you will need to follow all the rules and regulations assigned by the relevant agencies. If all of your business is done through the PMA, malpractice insurance may be unnecessary.
- Does my PMA offer coverage if I am working in another State or Country? You are covered if you are dealing with only members in any country where Common Law is used.