MIND CONTROL Military and intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons and are already been covertly used and/or tested on humans worldwide since before the 1950’s. With the signing of the military commission Act of 2006 the new official US...
STOP 5G 5G has long been planned as the next major phase of mobile telecommunications, promising faster download speeds than its predecessors 2G, 3G, and 4G. Our current wireless technology uses anywhere between 1 and 4 gigahertz, by contrast, 5G uses anywhere between...
DEPOPULATION Many people across the world are completely unaware that their elected governments, with the assistance of the United Nations, are part of a covert worldwide depopulation policy, also known as Agenda 21. Its aim is to reduce the global population from 7.9...
MORGELLONS DISEASE Thanks to the dedication of researchers and scientists such as Clifford Carnicom, Harald Kautz Vella, , Sofia Smallstorm many more, the mysterious disease known as Morgellons has been unraveled and brought to the public attention. Connecting the...
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